Monday, June 15, 2009

Ah Sweet Success!!!

I have long been frustrated with the fact that everyone I know has a statue and I do not. I've tried with no success - plenty of statue base drops, resulting in empty statue bases sitting all over my property, but no statues :( So, today, while helping a friend with Jade Oni and expecting nothing, I got a statue! That lovely oni decided I needed a statue of Koto! Now, honestly, the ninja pig would not have been my first choice, but hey - its a statue and I'm happy! As an added bonus, when I got him placed at the castle, I noticed that his sword sparkles! So like the silly necromancer that I am, I stood there and admired him for a long time. Did a silly little dance to celebrate my triumph, and then I yelled my success at the dragon master in all caps (he thought I was nuts) and proceeded to bother everyone on my list with my ridiculously happy mood. Sweet success! Finally a statue for this girl! Incidentally, you'll also notice my other triumph in the picture - I did finally manage to get Ivan SoulSinger's sword and his lovely winged hat! Combine that with the Jade Oni death boots, and all in all its been a good couple of days. Still a lot of collecting to do, and hey, one statue is simply not enough! But for now I am content.


  1. I know whatcha mean! Everytime I go to a certain boss to get something, I never get it! But when I port to a friend and never expect to get anything, ill get it! Gratz!

  2. I'm gonna spill the beans for you guys here, why she isn't posting. For one thing, she rarely posts, xD, and two, love is in the air. Ugh.

  3. I don't even have a house!!!! but I do have a big tower to put in a yard!!!!

  4. hugh/carlos/edwardJuly 31, 2009 at 2:19 AM

    well dont give up. cuz it took my grandmaster FOREVER (banned :( )but i sitll had about 6, even the oni
